My Blog

Who you hang out with matters…

We often tell our kids and teens to be careful who they hang out with. Ladies… this is also true for us!! In our Bible study this past week we were talking about who you surround yourself with matters. *Your marriage may be perfectly fine until you start hanging out with other ladies who are…

Just Pick Up The Turtle

PICK UP THE TURTLE!!… It’s funny how God can use situations in your life to see things differently. A few months back, Kylie had rescued a couple of tiny turtles in our yard. That’s a whole other story in itself but only one ended up surviving for a while. She kept it in a little…

Tiny Irritating Rock

The other day, I was at school teaching. I had been teaching for a little while when I finally became really annoyed by this tiny irritating rock in my shoe. It had been there for a while but yet it didn’t seem to bother me at first. Then it was like all of a sudden…

When the Joyful Pursuit gets tough…

Hospice? Really? Are those the words that I’m reading? Isn’t that just for older people? But he is so young…he has so much more on this earth to do…his family needs him…and the continuous thoughts pile up in my head. I guess it was a couple of years after we moved from FW when we…


Today, I was scrolling through Facebook and came across three friends writing about being “stuck”. It made me think of the times that I have felt “stuck”. There have been times I have felt stuck as a mom… not knowing if I’m doing this whole mom thing correctly (which many days I’m not…can I get…

Lessons from a pink truck…

The other day I was at one of my favorite stores, Marshall’s. We happened to be looking for an outfit for family picture day for my middle, which is a whole other issue that deserves a blog post all on its own…but that’s for another day. Anyway, I wandered over to the Christmas section and…

You are NOT…

Ok… I know this may not be a popular thought but hear me out. I keep seeing so many people posting about “You are enough” or “I am enough”… I get it. I’m sure I have said and maybe have posted this, too. But as I continue to grow in His Word and in my…

Just the real Me

About Me “You are the real-est real pastor’s wife I’ve ever known!” “I love that you are just …YOU!” “Thanks for being so joyful and real.” For the longest time I wasn’t sure if these were compliments or concerns🤪… But over time I have come to the understanding that these are truly some of the…

Take your kids to…

Take your kids to church. Don’t worry if they cry in church. Don’t worry if they talk a little too loud or dance a little too much during the songs. Don’t worry if they tell the drummer (loudly) “great job” while he’s in the middle of worship. Don’t worry if they color or take a…


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